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Have you always wondered what white chocolate is? Then you're right here! We clarify!

Cocoa butter - everything you should know about it
Cocoa butter is obtained from the cocoa bean. But what is the difference to "real" butter and what do you use it for? You can find out all of this here...

Is Swiss chocolate the best in the world?
Toblerone, Lindt, Ragusa - Swiss chocolate brands are among the best known and most popular in the world. But why is Swiss chocolate so famous and is it really as good as its reputation?

Soy Lecithin in Chocolate - Everything you need to know!
There are probably few foods and ingredients that are more controversial than soy. Some are convinced of the positive properties of soybeans. Others attribute soy to negative influences on health a...

You want to know how chocolate is made? How is the production from the bean to the chocolate? Here you can find out more...

What actually is craft chocolate?
Craft chocolate, bean-to-bar chocolate, micro-batch, small-batch, handmade chocolate… many terms that ultimately point to the same idea of chocolate production. Which is that? Find out here...