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Studies show: This helps to increase employee motivation!

Studien zeigen: Das hilft zur Steigerung der Mitarbeitermotivation!

Many companies are currently suffering from the after-effects of the corona pandemic and the associated economic recession. Organizations of (almost) all industries and sizes have been forced to downsize and restructure. A consequence of this is less budget and increasingly stressed teams. But that doesn't mean it has to stay that way! Even with a "small budget" it is possible to motivate your employees. We have compiled new tips and study results on the subject of employee motivation for you. This is how you increase the team spirit even in bad times!

Increase motivation: Reach your goal with 5 key factors

It is now clear to everyone that motivated employees play a decisive role for companies. However, the best way to increase motivation and ultimately productivity is not so easy to answer. Studies have now shown that it doesn't always have to be big measures and expensive gifts that make employees happier and more motivated . Instead, it's often the smaller gestures that lead to more lasting satisfaction, which has a positive impact on the performance of the entire organization . That means it's totally doable to motivate your employees without spending huge sums of money.
Researchers from the HHP Research Program have identified key factors that can maximize the impact of motivational measures:

#1: Choose the right sender to motivate employees

An obvious yet important consideration is where the gift, recognition, or message of appreciation is coming from. Because it doesn't always make the most sense when they come from the highest position. Instead, it should be looked at at which points there may be a problem and where appreciation is particularly important. Especially in times of remote work and home office, study results indicate that positive feedback from important team members is of particular relevance for motivated employees .

#2: Choosing the right time

Almost as important as the sender is thinking about when your gesture can have the most impact . A daily gesture of appreciation can make sense during home office times, because teams are already under more stress than usual. If, on the other hand, the employees work on site, words of appreciation every day could seem exaggerated. According to studies, a somewhat greater appreciation – such as a team event , anemployee gift or a project completion party – can give a boost in motivation for follow-up projects, especially at the beginning of a quarter or at the end of a large project.
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#3: Public Appreciation, Maximum Employee Motivation

While some people prefer an appreciative conversation in private circles, for most a "public" acknowledgment - eg in the context of an all-hands or team meeting - is a particularly appreciative gesture .
Incidentally, according to researchers, a public gesture of appreciation not only promotes the motivation of the employee who receives the recognition. In an experiment , researchers found that everyone's performance increases, even if only a few words of appreciation or public thanks are given. This could be due to the fact that the recognition of the colleague leads to other employees wanting to catch up with them and the motivation of the others is also increased. Nevertheless, you should ask around in advance whether the person in question likes to be the center of attention. Otherwise, the well-intentioned gesture could backfire.

#4: It's all in the details

Even if time is running out and the budget still has to be spent quickly: employees recognize the difference between hasty action and real appreciation! So to make sure that your ideas are well received, it is important to pay attention to the details.
Studies show again and again that material, non-monetary gifts are much better received and tend to increase the productivity of employees than a financial gift. Employees say they feel more valued when they think the employer has put in the time and effort. By the way, we can observe this again and again at our digital team events , our chocolate tastings. Especially during the long lockdown phases, the employees were extremely happy about the chocolate boxes that were sent directly to their homes.

#5: Small gestures, big effects

Incidentally, it is very important that the ideas for employee appreciation do not become a Herculean task. Because the more complicated it appears, the greater the risk that it will not be implemented in the first place. Of course, you can always use service providers such as Theyo ;-) to organize (digital) team events , project completion , farewell gifts and much more. to tackle. This protects your time budget and above all your nerves. That being said, even small, free gestures can make a big difference. The following ideas might also work for you:
  • A personal message: Write a personal, short note in which you thank the team or individual employees for the good work.
    Important: The note should not be digital - especially when working from home. Write a card or maybe send achocolate box with a greeting card : It's uncomplicated and makes the whole thing very personal.
  • Recognition in the round: Recognizes the employees in the next team meeting or all-hands meeting
  • Celebrate successes: Hold a dedicated (virtual) team event in which you celebrate the team's successes... You may have guessed: a chocolate tasting is great for this :-)
  • Free Team Building Games: Out of Budget and Lots of Months Left? Then check out our ideas for free team building games
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Whatever idea you choose, always keep the context of the event, the team and your organization in mind. You know best which appreciation suits your corporate culture best!


How can I motivate my employees?

Employee motivation is also possible without massive expenditure of money. In the article above, we share our idea on how to increase employee motivation and promote team spirit!

What motivates employees the most?

In the long run, it's the small gestures that are most likely to keep employees motivated. Appreciation in meetings, praise and words of appreciation for a job well done are a good start. Of course, material gifts are also great motivation for employees. Our chocolate boxes or chocolate subscriptions are a good start :-) Have a look at ouremployee gifts page.

What employee motivation is there?

When it comes to employee motivation, you should distinguish between material and immaterial means. Material means of motivating employees are wage increases, bonus payments, but alsoemployee gifts and joint events. As already described, immaterial employee motivation works without money. These include praise, appreciation and recognition.

How does employee motivation work best?

According to studies, a big circus does not always have to be organized to motivate employees. In the previous article, we explain key elements that help keep team spirit up and promote employee motivation!

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