Digitale Events

7 ideas for online team building

Eine Teambuildingmaßnahme
Group cohesion is the be-all and end-all for the functioning of a team. Now that many people are now working from home, team building activities in many work groups have moved to the digital world. Do you feel like you've played through every online escape room by now and are you slowly running out of ideas for online team building? Nevertheless, do you want to continue to motivate your team and colleagues creatively? Then you are exactly right here.

Virtual team building not only helps motivate employees and colleagues. Studies show that team building measures also strengthen partnerships between colleagues and teams. In addition, they are said to have a positive impact on the productivity and profitability of companies. We also find the positive effects on mental health and well-being particularly important, which are particularly put to the test in the context of remote working. That's exactly why we have selected 7 special activities for you that require little preparation and maximum fun. We assumed that most remote teams already work with video tools such as Teams, Zoom, Slack, Skype or Whereby and that the suggested ideas can therefore be easily implemented digitally. Whether with or without a budget, whether as a short meeting break or an in-depth, shared experience - let our team building ideas inspire you!

👩🏻‍💻👨🏽‍💻🍫 Online team building that everyone enjoys

Yes, ok, we are biased! However, at this point we could cite numerous studies that scientifically support our approach: Chocolate makes you happy! So what could be more appropriate than to make the winter a little less gray and the lockdown a little more bearable with a shared chocolate experience? This is exactly why our first suggestion for winter virtual team building is a digital Theyo chocolate tasting . A digital chocolate tasting is an excellent team building measure for teams that work from home. Because: Not only will you learn things about chocolate during the virtual get-together that you (certainly) didn't know before. You also share an extraordinary, physical pleasure experience that provides a lot to talk about afterwards. We usually start with a little, exciting input from our chocolate experts. Afterwards you can talk shop together about the flavors of the best chocolates in the world. Pro tip: this team event is not only incredibly tasty, but also alcohol-free, vegan and still fun ;-) What could be better?

The tastiest team event: a Theyo chocolate tasting The tastiest team event: a Theyo chocolate tasting

👨🏿‍🍳 🍳 Hearty, regional and seasonal: An online cooking course as a team building measure from the home office

“Together instead of lonely” also applies to the team event at the LOKation from Freiburg. But that's not all: when cooking together, we don't focus on enjoyment, but also on seasonal, regional and sustainable ingredients. An online cooking class is a great way to spend time together outside of the work context and thus strengthen group cohesion. Although the location specializes primarily in the Freiburg region, it finds ways and means to make your team event an enjoyable success across the region. Whether with a coordinated shopping list or local delivery service - with the LOCATION you have an entertaining, nice evening + a lot of fun and at the end you conjure up a really good menu.

☕ 🤩 Experience everyday things in a new way - coffee with a difference

There is probably only one thing that, in our opinion, is at least as important as chocolate: coffee! Because - we have to admit this without envy - there is hardly any food that can give you such a pleasant and at the same time invigorating feeling as coffee in the morning. And while café visits are currently flat and to-go coffee mugs are booming, in our opinion there couldn't be a better time to gain new knowledge about coffee cultivation and the preparation of really good coffee. Coffee Circle, for example, offers tasting sets that are practically delivered to your home and can then be tasted together as a team. And another note on our own behalf: Really good coffee and really good chocolate together are an absolute show-stopper #justsayin

Coffee Circle © Coffee Circle

🍻🥳 Good mood team building with Happy Pils and West Coast feeling

BRLO produces its Berlin beer creations right in the heart of Berlin. From the special Pilsner to the obligatory Berliner Weisse to the excellent Baltic Porter – BRLO stands for high-quality craftsmanship. BRLO is also known for a really great brewery in Berlin's Gleisdreieckpark. But non-Berliners are lucky at the moment. Because of current events, there are also digital BRLO tastings for teams and companies outside of Berlin. Here you can learn everything about craft beer and – if necessary – even have a personal (digital) toast with the founders. What many people don't know is that contrary to popular belief that chocolate and wine are the perfect match, it's actually the case that chocolate and craft beer are often much better partners in taste! Our recommendation: try out a few fine chocolates and combine them with the BRLO Baltic Porter! If you are interested in a BRLO chocolate pairing event for your team, please contact us.

beer tasting team building © BRLO

💃🏻🕺🏻It takes two (slides) to tango: Pecha-Kucha as a team building online seminar

Another idea for a small budget and a kind of online team building seminar is a modified form of Pecha Kucha . Pecha Kucha is a form of presentation in which 20 slides are displayed for 20 seconds each and are explained orally. The total duration does not exceed 7 minutes. But since this requires a lot of preparation, we think the shortened version is really great. The idea is for team members to get to know each other informally. With a presentation of 2 slides - in Pecha Kucha style - the colleagues present their hobbies, their favorite animals, make their own quiz, a short story or report on their last trip. The presentation should not exceed 2 minutes per person. There will then be a short Q&A session lasting approximately 2 minutes before moving on to the next team member. Of course you can adjust the times slightly. In any case, it is important that there is a time keeper so that a certain speed is maintained and there is no boredom. Because there should only be 2 slides, the participation threshold is low because the preparation effort is minimal. The great thing about this is that teams get to know each other from a different perspective.

Who's who? Emoji Board Guessing Game 🤔

Our last suggestion is less of a team building measure. Rather, it's a nice mood-enhancer to start a meeting or a fun idea for Slack channel entertainment. Because with Slack at the latest, emojis have also become commonplace in the business sector. This makes it all the more fun to take a closer look at your colleagues' emoji boards.

How does it work?

All team members send screenshots of their emoji boards to the meeting host in advance.
This in turn creates a survey or a sheet in which all participants are listed.
All participants then have around 5 minutes to guess the top 5 most used emojis of the other team members.
The meeting host then announces the results. There are points for correctly guessing the top 5 emojis as well as points for the correct order.
Do you generally want to improve your team building in a playful way from your home office? Here you can get suggestions on how to achieve this: Team spirit in the home office: 5 virtual team building games .

🔥🌈 Use talents in the team

No budget (anymore), but still want a bit of team building? No problem! How about you see what talents are hidden in the team? In our team we have both fermentation fans and craft coffee specialists. So nothing could be more obvious than a specially created online team event in which we, for example, make kimchi or organize a small craft coffee tasting or chocolate pairing. And don't worry: Even if the person with the respective hobby is in charge of this event, the tasks can still be easily divided among each other - also part of the actual team building ;-) . We know from other teams that they have learned really exciting things about their colleagues this way. If you like fermenting as much as we do, you could get a DIY box from Edible Alchemy and then use it together as a team.

Are you looking for more entertainment ideas for digital events? Then you'll find what you're looking for here (spoiler: maybe we'll suggest a chocolate tasting here too 🤣 - twice is better)
You can find out here what you should pay particular attention to when planning team events on your own! Are you looking for ways to organize sustainable team events ? We have also collected ideas for you.


What are the benefits of online team building?
As in the real world, group cohesion is essential for online teams. It increases the group's ability to communicate, thus preventing misunderstandings and fundamentally improving the working atmosphere. If superiors also take part, online team building measures can also help to reduce inhibitions towards superiors. As a result, it is easier for team members to contact the person responsible more quickly if problems arise. You see, team building is essential for the functioning of a team and – as the previous article makes clear – it is also absolutely doable online!

What technical requirements do I need for online team building?
Teams that work from home already use software to communicate that makes online meetings possible. Possible examples of this are Teams, Skype, Zoom, ... The suggestions from this article can be easily carried out with it! So you don't need more than one working device or software :)

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