Women in cocoa farming
So far, women have done a lot of the work in the cocoa industry, but have had little influence. They are usually paid less than men and in some countries even have no right to own land. You can find out more about empowering women in the cocoa industry here on our blog soon!
Back to the origin
For founder Malou Dronkers, her journey into the world of chocolate began in Costa Rica. There she realized that she really knew little about the origins and creation of chocolate. So she set out to search, driven by great curiosity and a desire for stories: stories about taste, cocoa plantations, social justice, the past and the future. Eventually, she decided to make the chocolate industry a fairer place and founded Macao Movement .
Macau Movement
Macao Movement buys beans directly from farmers. Their names are even on the packaging of the chocolate products. It couldn't be more transparent! And it's not just Malous chocolates that come from the Solomon Islands. A variant of our cool beans also comes from the Solomon Islands, more precisely from Agnes Pilopaso's farm.
Since September 2019 you can visit Malou and her team at “CHOCOLA LA LAND” in Amsterdam. Not only are delicious chocolate products produced there, but events are also organized: workshops, tastings and cozy evenings with music, stories and of course homemade cocoa. Malou remains true to itself when it comes to transparent, fair enjoyment and exciting stories behind the cocoa.
Sounds exciting? You can always find Macao Movement chocolates in our shop! #staytuned