Diese 100% Kakao-Schokolade von Raaka ist pur, ungeröstet und begeistert mit intensiven, natürlichen Aromen, die den einzigartigen Charakter der Bohnen hervorheben.
Sale price€9,00 (€18,00/100g)
Sofort Verfügbar innerhalb von 2 - 4 Tagen bei Dir Zuhause
Kostenfreier Versand ab 49€
Mit Liebe in Berlin verpackt
Nachhaltig & fair produziert

The chocolate:

A really good chocolate only needs one ingredient: the delicious cocoa beans. In this case, these come directly from the manufacturer's own plantations, which lie in the shade of the breathtaking rainforests of the Sambirano Valley in northwest Madagascar. The cocoa trees there are maintained under ideal conditions, which gives them a unique aroma.

Tansania 🇹🇿
Direct Trade:
100% chocolate
Weitere Eigenschaften:
Lactose-free, soy-free, gluten-free, without emulsifiers, sugar-free


Rakaa ist eine preisgekrönte Schokoladenmanufaktur aus Brooklyn, New York, die sich auf die Herstellung von ungerösteter, transparenter Schokolade spezialisiert hat. Ihr Ansatz basiert auf Nachhaltigkeit, Fairness und der Wertschätzung von einzigartigen Aromen hochwertiger Kakaobohnen. Durch den Verzicht auf das Rösten bleiben die natürlichen, fruchtigen und erdigen Geschmacksnoten des Kakaos erhalten. Rakaa arbeitet eng mit Bauern und Kooperativen weltweit zusammen, um ethisch bezogene Bohnen zu fairen Preisen zu garantieren. Jede Tafel erzählt die Geschichte von Herkunft, Handwerkskunst und purer Schokoladenkunst.


Cocoa production: Madagascar exports around 12 tons a year Cocoa cultivation: Around 35,000 farmers make a living from cocoa cultivation Flavors: Predominantly fruity, native, slightly acidic Even if less than 0.5% of the cocoa exported worldwide comes from Madagascar, it has a lot to offer: According to ICCO (International Cocoa Organization), Madagascar exports 100% fine flavor cocoa! So it's no coincidence that Madagascar, as the country of origin, has a steadily growing chocolate fan club. And this despite the fact that fine flavor cocoa was only introduced to Madagascar after French colonization in the 1800s. Originally grown on the east coast, cocoa farmers soon recognized the great potential of the northwestern Sambirano Valley. The combination of the natural minerals, the good soil quality, the microclimate, as well as the flora, fauna and topography form a unique "terroir" in which the fine, fruity flavors of the fine flavor cocoa can develop wonderfully.

theyo beanteam

About Theyo

As a social startup, we not only want to sell the best products, we also want to help create global trade justice. Our goal is to make the chocolate world a better place by distributing responsibly manufactured products and promoting more conscious chocolate enjoyment. The protection of original varieties, biodiversity and fair prices - well above world market prices - are therefore our focus!

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