Some people will have already noticed: We at Theyo pay a lot of attention to the origin of our chocolate, the quality of the ingredients and how they affect our bodies. And outside of chocolate, we also have a great interest in really good food. Luckily, Berlin has a lot to offer us and all other veggie, vegan and eco fans, with its numerous markets, events and functions with a focus on vegan and vegetarian food. We have put together a list of our favorites for you when it comes to broccoli and quinoa. 😉
Annual vegan events and vegetarian markets in Berlin
One of our favorite markets in Berlin: The Green Market
We have long been fans of the Green Market, one of the first vegan lifestyle markets in Berlin. Twice a year it offers a colorful mix of food, cosmetics and fashion - all vegan. We not only like the great selection and the good atmosphere, but also the mindset behind the Green Market. This aims at conscious, sustainable consumption and exchange, all with really good food and accompanied by music. At the market you will not only find established exhibitors such as Brammibal's Donuts, the Tofutussis and Soulbottles, but also newer companies such as... *drumroll*... us! So be sure to come visit us at our Theyo stand, we’re looking forward to it! 🍫 Enjoy sustainable shopping at Greenmarket Berlin © greenmarketberlin
Veggie World Berlin
Even if it doesn't necessarily belong on the list of markets in Berlin, it still has to be included in this article: Veggieworld. Because it is THE trade fair for vegan enjoyment. Their motto can be summarized as “diversity instead of renunciation, convincing instead of persuading.” There are numerous stands waiting for you to try out, shop and snack - because the manufacturers are usually there in person. And in addition to food, there is also vegan clothing and cosmetics to discover. Whether you are a convinced vegan or would like to get a little closer to sustainable consumption, you can definitely go on a taste journey of discovery at Veggieworld. The list of exhibitors for the trade fair is published at the beginning of each year. And we are already excited! 🌽 The best beans from the best markets in Berlin: great selection at Veggieworld ©Andreas Gebert
Also a must at markets in Berlin: the vegan summer festival
At the vegan summer festival in Berlin every August, exhibitors set up their stands and food trucks on Alexanderplatz. That means you can try out the vegan delicacies, from hearty to sweet to experimental. And from our own experience we can assure you that vegans and normally non-vegans get their money's worth. 😋 Animal and nature conservation organizations also provide information about their activities. Vegan cosmetics and clothing are also available. Well, were we able to infect you with our anticipation?! Vegan feasting in the middle of Alexanderplatz © Björn Fehl
Regular events and markets in Berlin
Regional market in Berlin Neukölln: Fat Linda
Regional, fresh from the farm and handmade: This is the regional market “Die Dicke Linda” in Neukölln. Every Saturday you can get fruit and vegetables from organic farmer Klaus, fresh fish from the Baltic Sea and German wines. In December, Fat Linda gets Christmassy, of course with cozy music, mulled wine and beautiful presents. A great small and calm market in the middle of Neukölln - our recommendation for your regional weekly shopping.
Every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Kranoldplatz, 12051 Berlin-Neukölln, more information here Healthy weekly shopping in Neukölln – one of the popular markets in Berlin ©Die Dicke Linda
New market at Südstern
Every Saturday in the middle of Kreuzberg you can discover organic food from the region, Mediterranean specialties, handmade pasta and much more. How about, for example, beetroot and wasabi ravioli, fresh hummus without preservatives or simply unpackaged potatoes fresh from the field? And if you ever end up shopping more than you can carry, there is a CO 2 -neutral bicycle courier service available to you. 🚲
Every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Südstern (directly at the church), 10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg, more information here Fruit, vegetables and much more directly on the U7 ©Die Marktplaner
Although not directly in Berlin, but definitely one of our favorite markets: eco market on the Domain Dahlem
At the weekly organic market in Dahlem you can buy fresh fruit and vegetables from Berlin and Brandenburg. You can also find organic meat, cheese specialties from the farm's own cheese dairy, bread and wine. You can also meet farmers and manufacturers in person and exchange ideas about regional, sustainable consumption. Dahlem isn't just around the corner for you? All the better. Simply combine shopping at the organic market with a weekend trip to the countryside. 🌾
Every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Domain Dahlem, König-Luise-Straße 49, 14195 Berlin-Steglitz-Zehlendorf, more information here The Dahlem domain is worth a trip even without a market ©Domain Dahlem
Even more tips
Buy directly from Marktschwärmer
Marktschwarmer is not a market in the usual sense. Instead, Marktschwärmer combines the personal nature of a farmers market with the convenience of online shopping. And everything with the mission of bringing regionality and fairness to the plate. The movement started in Paris in 2011 and is now represented in 10 European countries. There are 50 crushes in Germany alone. The name “Schwärmerei” refers to the place where you, as a customer, pick up the groceries you ordered online in advance. The special thing is that you get to meet the farmer, the beekeeper or the baker in person!
Take a look through the website of the swarm shop in your area and find dairy products with the Demeter seal, colorful organic vegetables, handmade delicatessen and much more. In the online shop, the producers also usually present themselves and their products in detail. You can also track how many kilometers the products will travel before they reach popularity. Sustainable, regional organic food with personal contact with those who produce it – wonderful! 👯
Each crush has individual pickup times. No subscription and no minimum order value. More information here From fruit to cakes to eco-friendly dishwasher salt: you can get it all at your market lover ©Qiez
Visit to the Brodowin eco-village
Another recommendation for speaking to manufacturers personally and experiencing first hand where your food comes from is the Brodowin eco-village in Chorin. You may know products from the eco-village, such as Demeter milk, from the health food store or from a market in Berlin. When you visit the farm, you can browse through the shop, take a guided tour or (our personal highlight!) rent a picnic bike. Cycling through Brandenburg and enjoying fruit, vegetables, bread and cheese in the middle of nature - it couldn't be fresher.
By the way, there are also many small farms away from the “Brodowin farm shop” that offer great cakes and coffee. The great lakes, which guarantee a nice way to cool off, are also an insider tip. And our tip for cyclists: From Berlin you can take the train to Chorin, after which it's just a stone's throw away by bike. Or you can take the very beautiful bike path, which stretches for around 60 km and is definitely worth a ride!
Ökodorf Brodowin, Weißensee 1, 16230 Chorin-Brodowin, more information here Our tip: a trip with picnic bikes! ©Ekodorf Brodowin
Farm to table – agricultural cooperatives
Do you want to be actively involved in the creation of your food or do you want to know exactly how it grows? And self-sufficiency instead of large-scale farming is your thing? Then membership in a cooperative is right for you. With “Farm to table” you get the best fruit and vegetables at very fair prices - and you are an active helper. And you can find out what that can look like at the Wilde Gärtnerei , for example . You know exactly where it comes from! ©Wilde Gärtnerei
Berlin-Vegan regulars' table
Eating delicious vegan food, meeting new people and exchanging ideas about everything to do with a sustainable lifestyle is all possible at the Berlin-Vegan regulars' table. Twice a month we eat, chat and plan in a vegan or vegan-friendly restaurant. And new participants are always welcome! You can find current dates on the Berlin-Vegan Facebook page .
Every first Friday and every 17th of the month from 7 p.m. Changing location. Current information on Facebook and here
Delicious food in good company at the Berlin-Vegan Stammtisch ©Berlin-Vegan Stammtisch
Vegetarian Hotel Almodóvar
Vegetarians and vegans sometimes look pretty stupid at the hotel breakfast buffet. But things are different at the Almodóvar Hotel. Because everything here is vegetarian, everything is certified organic, a lot of it is vegan and home-baked. And that's not all: the hotel in Friedrichshain gets its electricity from renewable sources. In addition, the wood used in their furniture comes from sustainable forestry. These are just a few points of the Almodóvar Hotel's sustainability concept. We think that a conscious, sustainable and resource-saving concept like this is long overdue, especially in the hotel industry!
Almodóvar Hotel Berlin, Boxhagener Straße 83, 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain, more information here

Stylish furnishings and a sustainable overall concept ©Almodóvar Hotel
Do you have any more tips for conscious, sustainable and vegan consumption in and around Berlin? Then send it to hallo[at] 😊 Psssst... you can find really good chocolate from responsible trade in our online shop .
Header photo by Iñigo De la Maza on Unsplash