Teambuilding in der Stadt München

Team building in Munich: Ideas for the next company outing

For many, the German megacity Munich stands for joie de vivre and enjoyment. This is also confirmed by the consulting company Mercer, which, in its city ranking, proclaimed Munich to be the third b...

Meeting Tippsvirtuelle Kaffeepause als schmackhaftes Schoko-Event

5 creative ideas for the virtual coffee break in the team

Would you like to design a virtual coffee break for your colleagues? Are you looking for small games for your teams' virtual coffee breaks? Then you are exactly right here!

Digitale Eventsein schokoladiges Kennenlernevent am Laptop als Kennenlernspiel

3 fun ideas for virtual meet-and-greet games

Virtual get-to-know games are a great way for teams to get to know each other. Have you been working together digitally on a project for a long time? Or did you get new members in the team? Here we...

Digitale EventsTipps für Teamspirit im Homeoffice

Team spirit in the home office: 5 virtual team building games

Before the pandemic, it was difficult to imagine what the “New Normal” is now: suddenly (almost) everyone is working remotely or from the home office. With these ideas for virtual team building gam...