Nicht nur zu Ostern praktisch: Veganer Eierersatz! Auf dem Bild zu sehen: eine Schale voller bunter Ostereier

No eggs, no problem: 8 vegan alternatives as an egg substitute

At first glance, eggs seem indispensable when it comes to baking. They serve as a kind of "glue" that holds cakes, muffins, and pastries together. But there are many (good) reasons not to eat eggs:...

EisschokoladeFrische Sahne für das Kakaonibs Sahne Topping

Cocoa nibs and cream topping

You would like to give your cake, your hot chocolate, or your ice cream that certain creamy something? Then you are exactly right here…

EisschokoladeCold brew coffee nach Rezept im Glas mit Eiswürfeln und Milch

Cold brew with cacao nibs

Summer is cold brew time. And what's better than a refreshing coffee? A cocoa nibs cold brew! You can find the best recipe for it here!

RezepteBananenbrot mit Bananen nach Rezept

Fluffy banana bread with chocolate

Banana bread definitely experienced a huge boom during the first Corona lockdown. It feels like everyone has gone through their banana bread phase at some point during these strange, locked-in mont...