Ottolenghis Schokotrüffel mit Pecannuss und Prosecco nach Rezept

Ottolenghis chocolate truffles with pecan nut and Prosecco

Even if pecan prosecco chocolate truffles sound very fancy, the preparation is not that difficult! If you like the individual ingredients, you will love this recipe.

RezepteOttolenghis Tahini-Halva-Shortbread in der Auslage

Ottolenghis Tahini Halva Shortbread: The Scottish classic reinterpreted

The Scottish shortcrust pastry classic shortbread is definitely no longer an insider tip. But the layered version with halva and tahini caramel definitely does! Here we tell you the recipe for this...

Rezeptemehlfreie Schoko-Teacake in Gugelhupf-Form nach Rezept

Heavenly flourless chocolate teacakes

These gluten-free chocolate teacakes taste great with coffee, tea or alone as a juicy dessert! Here is the recipe!

RezepteGranola mit Banane und Kakaonibs als Rezept

Theyo's world's best granola with banana

You want to make granola yourself and are looking for a really good recipe? Are you looking for a granola without sugar and with banana? Look no further, we have just the thing for you.

heiße Schokoladeheiße Schokolade in einer Tasse

Our 3 best hot chocolate recipes

Looking for the ultimate hot chocolate recipes? We share our leaderboard with you!

BrowniesWie sich Kuchenstücke am besten einfrieren lassen

Which cakes are good to freeze?

Do you like to bake in advance? We have put together a list for you of which cakes can be frozen particularly well.