Verschiedene Schokolade sind gestapelt und bereit verkostet zu werden

In 4 steps to your own chocolate tasting

You want to organize your own chocolate tasting? We have the best tips ready to make it a complete success!

Bean-to-BarWarum die teuerste Schokolade der Welt über 200€ kostet

Why the world's most expensive chocolate costs over €200

Everyone knows chocolate for €1. One or the other has already tried a tablet for €5. But chocolate for €200? What is the most expensive chocolate in the world and is it worth it? Of course you can ...

Bean-to-BarCCN51 - die größte Bedrohung für Biodiversität im Kakaoanbau?

CCN51 - the biggest threat to biodiversity in cocoa cultivation?

The resistant cocoa bean variety CCN-51 threatens the biodiversity of the cocoa world worldwide. How and why - find out here!

Bean-to-BarDie UN Sustainable Development Goals im Schokoladenbereich

The UN Sustainable Development Goals in the chocolate sector

How important are the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the chocolate sector? And how do we deal with them at Theyo? Find out more here...

Bean-to-BarIst Criollo wirklich King? Alles, was Ihr über Kakaosorten wissen müsst

Is Criollo Really King? Everything you need to know about cocoa varieties

Anyone who has ever dealt with fine chocolate will have come across the term 'Criollo'. What it is all about, what other varieties there are and whether Criollo is really the queen of cocoa varieti...

Bean-to-BarSchokolade und Kaffee: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede von Kakao- und Kaffeebohnen

Chocolate and coffee: Similarities and differences between cocoa and coffee beans

Cocoa beans and coffee beans are often compared, and not infrequently even confused. What are their similarities and where are the differences?