Was ist Kakaofruchtsaft und warum solltet Ihr ihn probieren!?
Meet the Maker

What is cocoa fruit juice and why you should try it!?

When you think of cocoa, what products spring to mind? Probably our favorite first: chocolate. Then maybe cocoa powder, cocoa nibs, cocoa drinks. But do you also know cocoa fruit juice? This delici...

Bean-to-BarOriginal Beans: Schokolade gegen Klimawandel

Original Beans: chocolate against climate change

Did someone say chocolate?  The whole camp smells like fresh chocolate! A shipment of Originals Beans chocolate has just arrived at Theyo's warehouse and everyone is excited. Because among the...

Bean-to-BarVon den Alpen zu den Anden: unsere Reise zum Ursprung des Kakaos

From the Alps to the Andes: our journey to the origins of cocoa

The motherland of cocoa! For the first time we had the opportunity to travel to Ecuador this summer. For two weeks we were allowed to get to know and love the country and its people.

Bean-to-BarWarum die teuerste Schokolade der Welt über 200€ kostet

Why the world's most expensive chocolate costs over €200

Everyone knows chocolate for €1. One or the other has already tried a tablet for €5. But chocolate for €200? What is the most expensive chocolate in the world and is it worth it? Of course you can ...

Bean-to-BarKakaobohnen für Bean-to-bar Schokolade

Theyo-Tacheles: Bean-to-Bar Chocolate and Women Empowerment

In our 'Theyo Tacheles' posts, we introduce you to concepts and terms that we find particularly important. In this short article we look at bean-to-bar chocolate and women empowerment.

Herkunft der SchokoladeOmnom Schokolade wird ausgestrichen

Why Zac Efron buys chocolate on his Netflix series Omnom

In his new Netflix series, Zac Efron travels the world in search of healthy and sustainable ways of living. Here you can find out what it's all about and why he's making a stop at Omnom Schokolade.