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7 myths about red wine and chocolate
There are many myths about wine and chocolate. What is it about them and what do you have to pay attention to when pairing? Find out here!

Chocolate and coffee: Similarities and differences between cocoa and coffee beans
Cocoa beans and coffee beans are often compared, and not infrequently even confused. What are their similarities and where are the differences?

The 5 best chocolate books for chocoholics
Whether you are a true chocoholic or a newbie, whether you are a non-fiction book or a coffee table book – there is something here for every taste. We introduce you to the five most exciting chocol...

Perfect Match: Chocolate and Wine? The most important rules for enjoyment
You think chocolate and wine always work? Unfortunately it's not that easy. We have tips & tricks for the 'perfect match'!

7 myths about red wine and chocolate
There are many myths about wine and chocolate. What is it about them and what do you have to pay attention to when pairing? Find out here!

Enjoy chocolate differently: how you can really enjoy fine chocolate
Enjoy chocolate differently: our guide with the most important tips & tricks for tasting with all your senses!