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In 4 steps to your own chocolate tasting
You want to organize your own chocolate tasting? We have the best tips ready to make it a complete success!

How do flavors get into fine chocolate?
One of the most frequently asked questions in our tastings is about the origin of the flavors in fine chocolate. Here you can find out everything about the origin, development and additions.

Really fair chocolates - this is how you find the right one
We are often asked about really fair chocolate. Which brands suit you best and where can you find them? Read here!

Perfect Match: Chocolate and Wine? The most important rules for enjoyment
You think chocolate and wine always work? Unfortunately it's not that easy. We have tips & tricks for the 'perfect match'!

Enjoy chocolate differently: how you can really enjoy fine chocolate
Enjoy chocolate differently: our guide with the most important tips & tricks for tasting with all your senses!

The best manufacturers worldwide: Bean to Bar chocolate for on the go
We love bean to bar chocolate as much as we love the manufacturers behind the bars. Here is a list of manufacturers...