Die Bedeutung der häufigsten Nachhaltigkeits-Siegel

The meaning of the most common sustainability seals

Having trouble navigating the chaos of certifications? Here we tell you the actual meaning of the most common seals!

ForschungHabe ich eine Allergie gegen Schokolade?

Do I have an allergy to chocolate?

Over the past twenty years, the frequency of allergies has increased significantly. According to statistics, one in three people will develop an allergy during their lifetime, and the trend is risi...

Bean-to-BarVon den Alpen zu den Anden: unsere Reise zum Ursprung des Kakaos

From the Alps to the Andes: our journey to the origins of cocoa

The motherland of cocoa! For the first time we had the opportunity to travel to Ecuador this summer. For two weeks we were allowed to get to know and love the country and its people.

SchokowissenWer hat eigentlich die Schokolade erfunden?

Who actually invented chocolate?

The question of who invented chocolate is not so easy to answer. In this blog post we explain why!

ForschungDer Tag der Schokolade – Alles Wichtige auf den Punkt gebracht!

Chocolate Day – everything important in a nutshell!

July 7th is Chocolate Day. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about it!

SchokosortenWas ist weiße Schokolade?

What is white chocolate?

Have you always wondered what white chocolate is? Then you're right here! We clarify!