Die Schokoladenmeditation: so funktioniert die süße Achtsamkeitsübung

The chocolate meditation: this is how the sweet mindfulness exercise works

chocolate meditation? This works out! How and what do you have to pay attention to? Find out here...

ForschungDie 5 besten Schokoladenbücher für Chocoholics

The 5 best chocolate books for chocoholics

Whether you are a true chocoholic or a newbie, whether you are a non-fiction book or a coffee table book – there is something here for every taste. We introduce you to the five most exciting chocol...

ForschungWas ist Ruby Schokolade?

What is Ruby Chocolate?

Ruby Schokolade or Ruby Chocolate are now familiar to many from the Ruby Magnum or the pink KitKat. But how does the new chocolate taste? And why is it pink? Here you can find out more!

ForschungKakaonibs als leckeren Snack, hier im Sektglas

Cocoa nibs: what you need to know about them

You can find cocoa nibs in more and more supermarkets and health food stores. Of course, the question quickly arises: what is the super snack all about?

Bean-to-Bargold angesprühte Kakaoschote

Why raw chocolate doesn't actually exist

There are many myths and misconceptions about the benefits of raw chocolate. And you've probably heard of the superfood potential. But is raw chocolate really that healthy?

ForschungDiät abnehmen Schild

Losing weight with chocolate - what's the truth behind the myth?

This is not a regular weight loss guide. We haven't discovered a miracle diet either. #sorry....