4 Tipps, wie Ihr die beste Schokolade findet und worauf Ihr beim Kauf achten müsst

4 tips on how to find the best chocolate and what to look out for when buying

"Eat chocolate? I can!” But what about the selection? We have put together the most important tips for chocolate shopping.

Bean-to-Bargute Schokolade ist nicht bitter

Why is dark chocolate actually bitter?

The question of bitterness in chocolate is one of the most common in our tastings. Why is supermarket chocolate bitter and fine chocolate not? You can find out here...

Bean-to-Bargeerntete Kakaofrüchte auf einer Farm

Cocoa cultivation: How and where is cocoa grown and harvested?

Most agree that chocolate and cocoa taste delicious. However, very few people know how the steps to chocolate are made. You can find out more about cocoa cultivation here!

ForschungWas ist Ruby Schokolade?

What is Ruby Chocolate?

Ruby Schokolade or Ruby Chocolate are now familiar to many from the Ruby Magnum or the pink KitKat. But how does the new chocolate taste? And why is it pink? Here you can find out more!

ForschungKakaonibs als leckeren Snack, hier im Sektglas

Cocoa nibs: what you need to know about them

You can find cocoa nibs in more and more supermarkets and health food stores. Of course, the question quickly arises: what is the super snack all about?

BiodiversitätKakaobohnen werden nach dem fermentieren zum trocknen ausgelegt

What happens during the fermentation of cocoa?

Fermentation is currently on everyone's lips. Here you can find out why cocoa also has to be fermented and what happens in the process...