Welche Rolle spielt der Kakaogehalt in Eurer Schokolade?

What role does the cocoa content play in your chocolate?

The cocoa content in a chocolate indicates what percentage of the weight of a bar consists of cocoa beans. But what does that mean for your taste experience?

KakaosortenRitter Sport Cacao y Nada

Cacao Y Nada: what is behind the cocoa fruit juice chocolate?

Anyone who wants to try a Ritter Sport Cacao Y Nada right now has to dig deep into their pockets. Why this is and how the cocoa fruit juice "chocolate" actually tastes - you can find out here!

Bean-to-Barfeine Aromen in Schokolade durch Röstung

How do flavors get into fine chocolate?

One of the most frequently asked questions in our tastings is about the origin of the flavors in fine chocolate. Here you can find out everything about the origin, development and additions.

Bean-to-Bargute Schokolade ist nicht bitter

Why is dark chocolate actually bitter?

The question of bitterness in chocolate is one of the most common in our tastings. Why is supermarket chocolate bitter and fine chocolate not? You can find out here...

ForschungWas ist Ruby Schokolade?

What is Ruby Chocolate?

Ruby Schokolade or Ruby Chocolate are now familiar to many from the Ruby Magnum or the pink KitKat. But how does the new chocolate taste? And why is it pink? Here you can find out more!

Bean-to-BarWein in einem Glas als Pairing mit Schokolade

Perfect Match: Chocolate and Wine? The most important rules for enjoyment

You think chocolate and wine always work? Unfortunately it's not that easy. We have tips & tricks for the 'perfect match'!